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Selected publications:

  • Safety and Tumor Responses with Lambrolizumab (Anti–PD-1) in Melanoma. Omid Hamid, M.D., Caroline Robert, M.D., Ph.D., ...., Jeroen Elassaiss-Schaap, Ph.D., ... S. Peter Kang, M.D., and Antoni Ribas, M.D., Ph.D.; N Engl J Med 2013; 369:134-144.   Full text
  • Acute and two-week exposure to prednisolone impair different aspects of beta-cell function in healthy men; van Raalte D., Nofrate V., Bunck M., van Iersel T., Elassaiss Schaap J.., Nãssander U., Heine R., Mari A., Dokter W. and Diamant M.; European Journal of Endocrinology 162 (2010):729. Full text
  • Desmopressin as a pharmacological tool in vasopressinergic hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal axis modulation: neuroendocrine, cardiovascular and coagulatory effects; Jacobs G., Hulskotte E., van Gerven J., Zuurman L., de Kam M., Elassaiss-Schaap J., Ruigt G., van Pelt J., Peeters B., Peeters P., and Burggraaf K.; Journal of Psychopharmaoclogy, e-pub 2010. Abstract
  • A pharmacological tool to assess vasopressinergic co-activation of the hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal axis more integrally in healthy volunteers; Jacobs G., van Gerven J., de Kam M., Elassaiss-Schaap J., Ruigt G., van Pelt J., Peeters B., Peeters P., Hulskotte E.; Journal of Psychopharmaoclogy, e-pub 2010. Abstract
  • Heterogeneity of rhythmic suprachiasmatic nucleus neurons: Implications for circadian waveform and photoperiodic encoding; Schaap J., Albus H., VanderLeest H.T., Eilers P.H., Détári L., Meijer J.H.; Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 100 (2003):15994-9. Full text
  • Diurnal modulation of pacemaker potentials and calcium current in the mammalian circadian clock; Pennartz C.M.A., de Jeu M.T.G., Bos N.P.A., Schaap J., and Geurtsen A.; Nature 416 (2002) 286-290. Abstract 

See also my PAGE abstracts. 
